Monday, January 28, 2008

"Mr. Watson. Come Here. I need you."

I'm still IMing here, PPers. I loaded the Meebo Widget, mainly because I wanted the practice of dumping HTML code onto the blog. (thanks Emily) At this point, I like Google chat better, but that's just because I'm new to Meebo and it keeps whimsically logging me out and I'm not sure why.
I also downloaded Google Talk to a computer in our library work area as per a PP suggestion, but I'd like to think if I were more savvy I could disable the feature that alerts you when you receive a PERSONAL email, by popping up a window with the email displayed (OK, that alert feature is disabled and, once again, thanks Emily). For our Lakeview purposes, it will be lovely to have that pop-up window for a chat alert between workers, since it would be an upgrade from Sequoya's cast-off walkie talkies. I can see how this would not only be helpful for intraworkplace communications, but also be a great boon in many ways to keeping the library world relevant to patrons.

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